Après de nombreuses recherches, j'ai pu reconstituer l'Histoire du Capitaine Ciel, histoire qui expliquera bien des choses sur sa façon d'appréhender "Le Monde Inconnu" comme il l'a lui-même nommé.
1-Contexte historique:
Septembre 1947: la 2ème guerre mondiale s'éternise,
les alliés sont enlisés en France. Un gouvernement Européen a été mis en place,
tous les autres pays d'Europe se sont ralliés, parfois sous la pression de la
population, mais le Reich, cerné de toutes parts, tient bon encore.
fait office de base militaire à grand échelle étant donné sa position qui la
laisse à l'abri de l'Allemagne et de ses quelques alliés (pour la plupart
contraints) qui les soutiennent.
Américains ont désormais la quasi totalité de leur armée en Europe.
Juin 1948: fin de la guerre, capitulation de l'Allemagne et de ses rares
2-Son histoire jusqu'à septembre 47:
Jacques est
né le 7 décembre 1917 à Lyon au beau
milieu de la 1ère Guerre Mondiale. Il voit très peu son père, pilote de chasse,
durant ses deux premières années. Malheureusement, sa mère décède lors d'un
bombardement et l'enfant est confié à
une tante et un oncle vivant dans une
ferme loin de la ville. Son père quant à lui est légèrement blessé dans un combat
aérien. Convalescent, il se rend chez sa
sœur et ainsi jusqu'à la guerre,
il reste près de son fils.
en Novembre 1918, ses actions de
bravoure pendant la guerre attirent l'attention d'un général qui fait en sorte
qu'il soit nommé "Ambassadeur de la Paix". A partir de ce moment, sa
vie ne sera plus qu'une longue succession de voyages et de séjours dans le
monde entier. A chaque fois, il emmène Jacques et le confie à une nourrice
"autochtone" et cultivée pour faire son éducation. Jacques acquiert
ainsi des compétences exceptionnelles pour les langues et apprend couramment par
ailleurs le Latin et le Grec ancien lors d'un séjour dans un monastère en
Il prend
gout aussi à la découverte et la connaissance des peuples des pays où il
séjourne et une attirance certaine pour l'aventure et les voyages!
l'occasion, il apprend aussi à piloter toutes sortes d'engins et bien entendu à
piloter un avion. En Février 1938, à
l'aube de la guerre, il s'engage dans
l'Aviation Française. Il a 21 ans. Ses qualités de pilote ainsi que son intelligence
et ses capacités de commandement lui permettent de gravir rapidement les
échelons et dès 1941, il obtient le
grade de Capitaine. En 1943, son père accepte un poste de
relations militaires avec les pays alliés et est envoyé aux Etats Unis. Il
obtient que son fils l'accompagne et Jacques s'engage dans l'US Air Force. Il
est alors pilote de chasse sur un "Curtiss P40".
En 1944, son escadrille est envoyée en
Grande Bretagne où elle effectue de nombreuses missions en Europe.
En 1945, il devient Chef d'Escadrille. Il
demande aussitôt de spécialiser son groupe dans les missions de nuit, des raids
éclairs souvent solitaires destinés à détruire des objectifs précis. Ils
interviennent surtout en liaison avec la Résistance Française avec l'aide d'un
réseau de renseignements . L'efficacité de ce dispositif est telle que le Haut
Commandement Allié lui donne plein pouvoir de décision quant à ses missions et
ses choix de pilotes.
C'est ainsi
qu'il décide que leurs avions, toujours des Curtiss P40, soient entièrement
peints en gris très sombre et sans aucun signe de reconnaissance afin d'être le
moins repérables possible.
trois ans de 1945 à 1947, ils vont
ainsi mener à bien nombre de missions.
le 7 Octobre 1947, au retour d'un
raid solitaire, il est porté disparu au-dessus de La Manche. Son
dernier message radio est très bref et énigmatique :
"Putain! c'est
quoi cette tempête?? jamais vu un bordel pareil!!"
Aucune trace
de lui ou de son avion n'a jamais été découverte par la suite.
After a lot researches, I have been able to reconstruct the history of Captain Ciel's story that explains a lot about his way of understanding "The
Unknown World" as he himself called.
1-Historical Background:September 1947: the second world war drags on, the Allies are bogged down in France. An
European government was put in place, all the other European countries
have joined, sometimes under pressure from the people, but the Reich,
surrounded on all sides, is still good. England
serves as a military base on a large scale because of its position that
leaves away from Germany and some of its allies (mostly forced) that
support them. Americans now have almost all of their army in Europe.
June 1948: end of the war, surrender of Germany and its few allies.
2-His story until September 1947: Jacques was born on 7 December 1917 in Lyon in the middle of the first World War. He sees very little his father, a fighter pilot, during his first two years. Unfortunately, his mother died in a bombing and the child is entrusted to an aunt and living on a farm near the town. His father meanwhile was slightly injured in a dogfight. Convalescent, he went to his sister and so on until the war, he remains close to his son.Demobilized in November 1918, his actions of bravery during the war attracted the attention of a general who made sure he was appointed "Ambassador of Peace". From that moment, his life will be a long series of travels and stays worldwide. Every time he takes Jacques and entrusts "indigenous" and cultivated nurse for his education. Jacques acquires exceptional skills commonly taught languages and also Latin and Ancient Greek during a stay in a monastery in Spain.It takes taste also to the discovery and knowledges of the peoples of the countries where he stays and a certain attraction for adventures and travels!On the occasion, he also learns to control all kinds of machines and of course to fly a plane. In February 1938, on the eve of the war, he joined the French Air Force. He is 21 years old. His driving skills , his intelligence and command capabilities allow it to quickly climb the ladder and in 1941, he obtained the rank of Captain. In 1943, her father accepted a position as military relations with allies and is sent to the United States. He gets his son accompanies and Jacques joined the U.S. Air Force. It is then a fighter pilot on a "Curtiss P40".
In 1944, the squadron was sent to Great Britain, where she made many visits in Europe.In 1945, he became a Squadron Leader. He immediately asked that his group comes specialized in night missions, often solitary lightning raids, intended to destroy specific targets. They operate mainly in connection with the French Resistance with the help of a network of informations. The effectiveness of this device is such that the Allied High Command gives full power to decide on its missions and choice of pilots.Thus he decides that their planes, always Curtiss P40, are fully painted very dark gray with no sign of recognition to be less noticeable as possible.During three years from 1945 to 1947, they will carry out many missions.Unfortunately, in October 7, 1947, after returning from a solo run, it is missing over the English Channel. His last radio message is very brief and enigmatic:
*("Damn! What's this bloody storm? Never seen such a mess!")
No trace of him or his aircraft was never found thereafter....
June 1948: end of the war, surrender of Germany and its few allies.
2-His story until September 1947: Jacques was born on 7 December 1917 in Lyon in the middle of the first World War. He sees very little his father, a fighter pilot, during his first two years. Unfortunately, his mother died in a bombing and the child is entrusted to an aunt and living on a farm near the town. His father meanwhile was slightly injured in a dogfight. Convalescent, he went to his sister and so on until the war, he remains close to his son.Demobilized in November 1918, his actions of bravery during the war attracted the attention of a general who made sure he was appointed "Ambassador of Peace". From that moment, his life will be a long series of travels and stays worldwide. Every time he takes Jacques and entrusts "indigenous" and cultivated nurse for his education. Jacques acquires exceptional skills commonly taught languages and also Latin and Ancient Greek during a stay in a monastery in Spain.It takes taste also to the discovery and knowledges of the peoples of the countries where he stays and a certain attraction for adventures and travels!On the occasion, he also learns to control all kinds of machines and of course to fly a plane. In February 1938, on the eve of the war, he joined the French Air Force. He is 21 years old. His driving skills , his intelligence and command capabilities allow it to quickly climb the ladder and in 1941, he obtained the rank of Captain. In 1943, her father accepted a position as military relations with allies and is sent to the United States. He gets his son accompanies and Jacques joined the U.S. Air Force. It is then a fighter pilot on a "Curtiss P40".
In 1944, the squadron was sent to Great Britain, where she made many visits in Europe.In 1945, he became a Squadron Leader. He immediately asked that his group comes specialized in night missions, often solitary lightning raids, intended to destroy specific targets. They operate mainly in connection with the French Resistance with the help of a network of informations. The effectiveness of this device is such that the Allied High Command gives full power to decide on its missions and choice of pilots.Thus he decides that their planes, always Curtiss P40, are fully painted very dark gray with no sign of recognition to be less noticeable as possible.During three years from 1945 to 1947, they will carry out many missions.Unfortunately, in October 7, 1947, after returning from a solo run, it is missing over the English Channel. His last radio message is very brief and enigmatic:
"Putain! c'est
quoi cette tempête?? jamais vu un bordel pareil!!"*
No trace of him or his aircraft was never found thereafter....
Yaouh, une uchronie ! Et une disparition mystérieuse...
RépondreSupprimerNe nous fait pas languir trop longtemps.
Bon ben déjà j'ai appris un nouveau mot! je fais de l"uchronie" sans le savoir! je me sens un peu comme M.Jourdain, là, comme ça...
SupprimerLe chapitre 1 est en bonne voie, mais franchement, je ne peux pas donner de date de parution.
Reste à savoir si ça sera vraiment une uchronie. (tiens, j'aime bien ce mot, moi!)
Merci de ton passage!
RépondreSupprimerOn attend déjà la suite, bravo...
Merci Phil! tu es trop sympa! c'est quand même "gentillet", je ne pense pas que ce sera un monument de la littérature!
SupprimerLa suite viendra, ne t'inquiète pas ....
Hi, Sam. Yes, you have surprised us with an Alternative History tale. I'm hoping Capt. Sky is going to be swallowed up in the storm and blasted through time to another time and place!
RépondreSupprimerHe, he! Jay, you're :
Supprimer1-too perspicacious
2-I'm a bad writer
3-both !
the world is full of portals to strange worlds. you have a storm, I have an aurora and Paul has that fog. interesting tale, I cannot wait to see the strange world he flies though too.
RépondreSupprimergreat story... the war lasted 2 more years? oh dear what did the Germans discover that meant they could last longer? oh dear oh dear.
Thanks Gowan for your visit! A strange World ?? just a "Lost New World" !
SupprimerI don't know what the Germans had discovered, maybe nothing!
Très bon Sam
RépondreSupprimerJe ne te savais pas des dons d'écrivain ;)
A bientôt
Merci Vincent!
Supprimermoi non plus, je ne savais pas que je pouvais écrire!
"des dons d'écrivain"? n'éxagérons pas!
Pour l'écriture, c'est plutot "Au Bord du Fleuve" que tu trouveras du très bon! (regarde dans le blog-roll)
Very interesting story mate! Looking forward for the next chapter...
Thanks Bruno!
Supprimerthe next chapter is the Chapter ... 1 !!!
in fact, the story is not begun !
I've been waiting for this! And I'm not disappointed, Aargh! Can't find the dictionary! ddissappoinnttedd (not I can at least see that I spelled it wrong!). :-D
RépondreSupprimerThanks Gunnar! "disappointed" with FIREFOX corrector !
SupprimerNow I must begin the story!
thank you very mutch my friend for this lovely post!!!!!!!!!